Monday, February 02, 2009

10 reasons why Fergus is a pretentious yuppie even though he refuses to admit it

I started this post last October but never finished it because it lacked a final, irrefutable piece of proof. Lo, #10 has come up (literally, since he drove it up from Muar) and filled the empty space.

1. He owns a Mac
2. He used to drive a two-door sports car
3. He drinks coffee cos it looks cool
4. He uses a Moleskin dairy
5. He buys books according to the hipness of their covers6. He had a bachelor pad in Tropicana for three years
7. He attends SIB
8. He lived overseas for four and-a-half years
9. He owns a tailored suit with his name embroidered on the inside10. He now drives a BMW


Anonymous said...

HE IS......? *horror* hahaha

Athalia said...

Hahaha....yes! In a totally out-of-context way.

sarah kate said...

hahaha. =)
fergus, fergus.

Hwazin said...

Hahahaha...oh goodness!! Jack fulfills 8/10 of the above! I guess that makes 2 yuppiess...

Genusfrog said...

This is malpractice! This is defamation! I'll have you know I also buy books that make me look smart!

oomoo said...

he buys books but doesn't read them.