Geek moment
I got to wander around Ikea two nights ago and in the picture frame section, I saw a print and thought, “Hmm, deer and swirly motives. That looks like what’s-his-name-Watanabe’s style!” I felt so clever when I checked the tag and it was correct. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but it was to me. I can recognise little-known artists!
A bit of a deflation when I found out yesterday that Fumi Watanabe is a woman though.
Is it just me.. or did you suddenly have a lot of backdated posts.. I'm pretty sure your last post was titled "caught".. and i'm sure there were no new posts until this week! aha!.. you are "caught" AGAIN! :D
Hehe...shhhh! Nice to know you're checking in tho :D
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