Friday, October 17, 2008

Shopping online is too fun

I used to be skeptical about whether online shopping in Malaysia would have enough quality products to be of interest to me. However, this has been swiftly debunked by blogs I read and sites such as Tongue in Chic and Little Accompaniments. Now, it's a thrill to get cheap, unique and/or handmade goods without having to physically go out and hunt them down.

Over yesterday and today I've placed orders for two pairs of earrings online and purchased a dress from a colleague's secondhand blog, spending a total of RM80 while sitting in front of my office computer. I'm putting this all up cos I want to cap online spending with the following exceptions: (1) the next pay cycle begins, (2) YMF releases a new collection, and (3) I settle one more item. Will post on this item soon.

Blue Chrysanthemum earrings from Chatterbead , vintage-style earrings from Dainty dreams and vintage floral dress from Underused items.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I SPOTTED you wearing those earrings....! woohoo! :D