Thursday, November 06, 2008

Seven weeks to go

My favourite part of the year is its end. 

It's the time to be simultaneously outward and inward looking - there's a platform for you to celebrate and appreciate the people you love and reconnect with those whom you're usually too busy for, and also where you can contemplate your last 12 months and envision the next 12. 

Around this time too, there is also a mad rush as people realise that they to have something to put into the big box marked "ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS YEAR" come December 31st. Sometimes the momentum starts mid-November, sometimes only in the first weeks of December. For me, it started right on November 1st this year. It's a very heavy month on all fronts; I'm handling a large, new product at work, there's an influx of birthdays to celebrate - 7 in the first 3 weeks of November - and there are many other plans! Projects! Trips!

Ahh...I love the smell of productivity. Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

:D I like productivity too.. give me a P. an R. an O a D a U a T an I a V an I a T a Y....!!!!! :D

oomoo said...

yeah for all the productive people in the world!