Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tubin' hedgie hides its wee noisicle!

So I’ve been dubbed the right-winger/model leader, both in the Squad and WK GT circle. Fergus (there, that’s your honorary mention) was even inspired do his quiet time on Monday night after dinner. Well, somebody has to be it. But it’s awkward at times.

Probably because I know that deep down I don’t have it all together, especially after the way things have unfolded over the weekend. I’m not really sure why I seem to appear more self-assured or spiritually grounded than I actually feel. Maybe it’s the regular attendance for prayer meetings and going on time for services. But really, it looks good but doesn’t account for very much on its own.

What ever it is, these aren’t comfortable issues to dwell on. It leads to all sorts of horrid suspicions of being a fake, putting up a front or other similarly dishonest means. Besides that, accusations hurt. Being told I can’t take constructive feedback hurts too, especially as it’s more than likely true. Hence, this right-winger would very much rather tube like a hedgie till Saturday. Ahh....


Genusfrog said...

maybe it's because the rest of us koyak until cannot pakai oredi?

Anonymous said...

I don't recall ever dubbing you right-winger/model leader but I guess I can't speak for the rest of the WK GT circle.


No one likes constructive criticism and suspicions of being fake come with the territory of standing up for what you believe in.

So stay focused and keep doing what you know is right. Your acknowledgement and assessment comes from God and not from man.

Of course, tubing like hedgie at times works when you need to get away for awhile!

Take care, Thay.