Friday, November 11, 2005

Birthday Profile-Sarah Lee

My youngest sister turns 18 today. Many happy returns! (Though what that is supposed to mean, I have no idea. Return what? Return where?) As she’s in the midst of her finals now, we didn’t plan much of a celebration but I’d like to write a tiny bit about being her eldest sister. I think I make a tough sis.

I realized yesterday again that when it comes to relating among us four siblings; me, Liz and Tim are closer to each other than to her. For me, Tim made the transition from annoying kid brother who-should-be-seen-and-not-heard to someone whom I can yak my head off and hang out with some years back. Somehow, Sarah never did. Was it because I already had Liz? Maybe so. In fact, one of the reasons why she joined our cell was so that the three of us could share more common ground and learn to serve together. However, looking back at the six months she has been part of the Kools, I do wonder if we’ve managed to accomplish that at all. Maybe the fact that I and Liz are already so established caused her to take a backseat.

We both have rather strong characters, and diametrically oppose each other on many issues. This isn’t a negative situation, provided that we both learn how to resolve it with a large dose of tolerance and love. But that is mostly easier said than done. I know that I sometimes push a stand just to pique her. In fact, I enjoy vexing her. All in all, I acknowledge that it is this has contributed to her rather defensive nature. That, plus the natural stress of growing up under the shadow of two older sisters. I think that she has managed (or rather, God has enabled her to manage) that part rather well. It has made her into the gutsy, determined young lady she is and I’m proud of that.

Anyway, here’s my (publicized) personal message to her:

Dear girl, may you have a strawberry-flavoured champagne fountain from which you may drink from all the days of your life (figuratively speaking, of course). But please, don’t drink too much and get drunk (figuratively again). I know that you’re not used to drinking so you should start slowly (yes, I know you have started). And try getting advice from people who are more experienced than you are. Like me or Liz or maybe even Tim (you should try it one day, maybe it will shock him speechless).

Happy birthday.


NickTay said...

wish her happy birthday for me!

Anonymous said...

an opinion on some bits of your post:

(recently since she moved into College
zone..) i think Sarah has been living
in the shadow of her elder sisters..

she isn't as pro-active as before..
and to me it seems she has lost her
'voice' as well.. (suppressed?)

but it could be just the effects
of pre-university education.. or maybe i'm just jumping too many
steps of speculation.. =P

my (slightly less than) 2 cents
God blesz n take care, ciaoz ^^