Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Yen tagged me weeks ago but I've taken my own sweet time to get around to doing it. The next three weeks are going to be busy with one last assignments and exam preparations so I wouldn't be posting much. Once a week at the very most, once a week at the very least, ok?
Oh, and I'd like to add a disclaimer. The accuracy of the following information cannot be vouched for by the author. In other words, don't take it too seriously!

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. Improve my drawing/painting skills, till I'm actually satisfied with what I create.
2. Own a magnificent collection of books!
3. Pay homage to my land of birth and watch the Northen Lights there
4. Take dance classes-both alone and with a partner
5. Write a book
6. Learn how to horseride
7. Find someone I can bare my soul to and who understands me well enough to take silent walks with.

I don't know about planning the last item, but I do hope to...

Seven things I could do:
1. Be more prayful and mindful of God in my daily life.
2. Value my time more and not waste it so much by procrastinating.
3. Have more discipline and self-control. Sigh...
4. Let little annoyances slide and tolerate stupidity more.
5. Guard my tongue and actions more.
6. Be more observant of other people and listen more, instead of being so wrapped up in myself.
7. Be more stable-minded; have less mood swings.

Seven celebrity crushes:
1. Umm...Prince William?
2. Argghh!!! I don't want to do this. Can't remember any more; and its not like there were very many anyway.

Seven often repeated words:
1. Yes!
2. Exactly!
3. Mangkuk!
4. Idiot!
5. Bodoh!
6. Arggh!
7. Ok?

Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:

Actually, it would be more of look at in the opposite sex.

1. Shapely mouth/lips
2. Straight back and shoulders. Mmmm....
3. Legs-not too skinny please.
4. Contacts. Very rare to find though. Glasses? Haven't decided.
5. An earring's cute.
6. I like them clean shaven. No straggly roots anywhere on the face please.
7. Has lithe movements. Watch a tom cat to see what I mean.

Seven people to tag:
1. Cason
2. Roger
3. Enoch (hope you don't mind, I don't know anyone else to tag).

I don't know anyone else who also blogs and hasn't been tagged, so I'd really like to hear from the following peeps. Please, please, oh pretty please?
4. Joseph
5. Alan
6. Timmy
7. Kim Lim


NickTay said...

Yeah...silent walks rock!
Roger blogs?

Anonymous said...

2. Owe a magnificent collection of books!

Do you mean own? hahahaha

Athalia said...

Grrr.. I've been trying to get paranoid you to comment publicly for ages but I would have thought that your first one would be less mundane. Why couldn't you have mailed me instead? Grumble. Well, at least you've taken the plunge. Hip hip hooray!Looking forward to more constructive feedback. Oh, you still owe me the tag assignment ya.
Nick, he started two weeks ago but has only posted twice. Check it out on

Anonymous said...

oops.. i was suppose to put the comment here. yup. don't tag me please.

Anonymous said...

Help is here!! I hereby announce with great relish my sis had a crush on Keanu Reeves, Yo-Hans, Elijah Wood, Ewan McGregor, David Radcliff (not sure about the spelling.. he's the Harry Potter guy), and George W. Bush!!! hahaha this is soooo fun!!! Thay's so gonna kill me...

Anonymous said...

hahaha! Aren't you lucky thay? So many helpful people around you.

Athalia said...

Liz, you're so dead. I deny everything. Everything! This is an outrage!! A libel!!
I will get my revenge, you nasty little squirt. Grrr...
Joseph, nice try. I can tell it's you.

Anonymous said...

hey liz,

what about Osama bin Laden too? Thay did have a crush on him before! Rite Thay?!?!? hahahaha

Papati said...

Call me weird but in my mind, I start imagining guys attracted to Tay starting to parade in front of her 'moving with lithe, tom-cat movements'!

Damn, I shouldn't laugh out loud at work. =)

How the hec does a tom-cat move anyway??? Cough up a furball anyone?

Anonymous said...

...with graceful and flowing movements which attract the eye with their simple elegance while remaining beautifully unselfconscious. *MiaoW*

Anonymous said...

*ouch* tagged ;)

Athalia said...

Roger, you are a brilliant man so please don't let the cat out of the bag! My evil plan was to laugh secretly into my paw as the 'beautifully unselfconscious' tom cats strut around. Prrr...

Athalia said...

All you annoying, anonymous, lily-livered chickens. Go away before I only allow registered users to comment! Sheesh.

Inoku said...

a very late reply...
*i rarely have time to go about
people's blogs nowadayz..*

and nopez i don't mind u tagging me..
but you'll have to wait a LONG
while for it.. =P

God blesz n take care, cyaz !