Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Black heaven

So The Geek came back from Sydney and bought a few bags of candy for the team. One of the bags had jelly beans. And one of the jelly bean flavours was liquorice. And when I ate it, I was immediately certain that it was the best thing I have ever put into my mouth.

Now that tar-like concoction is divisive. It provokes, no, demands that a stand be made. Rarely are there cross-overs between the two camps. Heather and Jon Armstrong both wrote about that here and here.

For me, I tried liquorice candy as a child and hated it, so I'm not sure what caused that change. But I have been thinking the whole day about the lovely, tangy sensation from that one black bean I had. I've googled images of liquorice jellybeans to look at. And once I get off work (in approximately 10 minutes once I'm done posting this), I am scurrying as fast as I can to Ikea or M&S to look for a bag of them heavenly tar bits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you tried liquorice mentos before? :-)

I lurveeee JELLY BEANS.. I was addicted to them once... :-D