Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kingdom fandom

Talking about last night's United concert, Fergs made the observation that teenagers naturally express fandom (which is an extension of their expression of identity), and if all they're exposed to are worship bands, they're going to express that fandom onto them.

I suppose some might say that it's better to adulate something Christian then not. But I'm not sure if I can be comfortable with the idea of translating expressions of adulation normally seen in the secular sphere to Christian artists and bands. You see, if worship bands are there to facilitate worship, then it's just contextually wrong to respond to worship music with fandom.

Oh well, about the concert last night. I think that the band and singers did a good job in negotiating the tricky balance of setting the atmosphere and staying out of the spotlight, and they let the crowd respond to it as they chose. So for me, somewhere in between the swarming, screaming, teeny-booper kids and long-suffering parents, I found my place and reason to be there.

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