I like the way my life has been shaping up these past three weeks. Never in my life have I had such a consistent, disciplined routine.
Now, I
1) drink enough water every day (never before),
2) check and clean my car on schedule (miracles do happen!),
3) manage my laundry flawlessly, (no more accumulating tonnes of clothes to wash and iron! All my mending’s done!) and
4) read my Bible regularly in the morning (finally getting the hang of morning devotions)
5) Picked up my habit of bring fresh fruits and veg to eat at work.
I help out with the dishes most days and I cooked dinner on Sunday night from scratch. Of course, there are still areas to improve on. Like going to bed on time so I can get rid of the shadows beneath my eyes. And regularly exercising, drinking milk and taking my vitamins. Well, I still dislike the idea of pill-popping but hey, welcome to Responsible Adulthood!
With all its trappings of financial independence, disposable income, the feeling of having finally gained a wee bit perspective of life and a solid track record of God to draw upon.
You know, it’s supposed to be the start of the era of the Stable, Committed Relationship. It’s About Time. According to Me Thinks. Yet, here I am still as single as a stick stuck in the middle of a Prairie. Which isn’t quite where I want to be, just to clarify.
So my last post on relationships referred (primarily) to hot-headed college kids. The wide-eyed, idealistic and unknowing type. I quite think I’m past that stage-whether I really am, who knows? I do know that I don’t like not being with some one, to borrow Roger’s phrase. I want to Snuggle and Cuddle and Do Nice Things With and For. And despite being told so, twenty-four doesn’t seem “…still young to start looking for a prospective partner”. It doesn’t seem so to me. Besides, the girl I sat next to during training’s married with a young daughter.
She's twenty six.
Even Roger (look here!) and Jon are jumping (okay, okay; slowly climbing) onto the marriage bandwagon. Somewhat. A couple of years back, they would have gone into convulsions and started foaming at the mouth if you mentioned the ‘ big M’ word to them, especially in front of their respective partners. But that reaction has become a thing of the past. And you know what?
These guys are my peers. In my age-group. And it’s not like they’re isolated cases. The theme of matrimony has been playing steadily in the background for a while now. Even our Christmas musical dealt with it,look set to intensify as more young couples take up premarital counselling or start talking about taking it. Oh, joy.
Someone told me yesterday that sometimes, God gives you something when you stop looking for it. which was a departure from our usual family-in-conflict orientation. Things Maybe that’s a good strategy. But…