Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Started last Saturday, on the 18th. Actually (albeit unwittingly) had a trial run two weeks ago and it was easier than I thought it would be. In retrospect though, that was mostly because that particular week was very full, with no opportunity to sit and ruminate over it.

There's more time for that now. Yesterday night, in a rather morbid frame of mind the thought occured if I was being foolish by making such a big deal over the whole thing. Why the need? Is it an excuse to hide?

As I told Liz, to get through this I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to occupy myself.

26 days to go and counting.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A Token Post

Long long never post. Now with the usj2cell blog, my affections are going to be divided!

I shall have to resort to short notes. Like this.

Me, Cason and Terence passed our van driving license today. Cason mati enjin twice. Haha.
But he was brave enough to go first.
Anyway, the three of us are now authorised church van drivers!
And that's all I have to say.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Birthdays and Funerals

Tim's 16th one last Sunday, Joshua's 24th yesterday.
Kim-kim's mom (that's my mom's only brother's wife's mom(!)) passed away on Monday morning, and Rev. Arthur Yoong yesterday afternoon. A church staff, Sis May Ling's mom also passed away on Mon, but I attended the other funeral.

Next Monday is Qi Wen's birthday and next Tuesday's Aaron's.

Four celebrations of life sandwiched against memorials for the dead.

There was a mad rush in the office today trying to get both the memorial service bulletines and weekly cell lessons out in time. Well, it's 7.15pm as I type this, everthing done before the deadline of 8pm. Cell leaders meeting was canceled tonight due to the funeral, but the lesson still has to be handed out and most of the leaders would go for the funeral.

To me, birthdays are naturally a celebration of life and well, birth. Funerals mourn a loss, albeit a temporary one.
Yet, in about 30 mins I'll be attending my first 'Home Going Celebration' in the old church at Jalan Gasing. That's what the bulletine calls it.
'Home Going Celebration'? Sounds slightly shocking, but I like it for the truth it conveys.
Now excuse me, I have a celebration to attend. Ciao.